Oh Great! I was Reincarnated as a Farmer by Benjamin Kerei
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I selected this book for the very different title and short write up about it. At first, I thought it would be just a another isekai novel like all of the others. At first, it was, but as the story developed, it separated itself from the batch. While it still had some issues with a character that would whine at times, or just surrender from the world through sleep or drink, the novel shined on the original ideas that it presented. The whole world mechanics was much more developed than some of the other more promising stories of the genre. It has a main character that without any actions of his, he was pulled from our universe and dumped into a world with a job title that he didn’t want.
I would like to see where Mr. Kerei takes the story line and what is in store for Arnold.
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